数据集/Data sets

  1. Mouse-Behavior Data for Static Authentication – Accompaniment to “Performance Evaluation of Anomaly-Detection Algorithms for Mouse Dynamics” (Computers&Security-2014). The link is http://nskeylab.xjtu.edu.cn/people/cshen/data-sets/behavior-data-set/.
  2. Smartphone-Sensor Data for User Authentication – Accompaniment to “Performance Analysis of Motion-Sensor Behavior for User Authentication on Smartphones” (SENSORS 2016). The link is http://nskeylab.xjtu.edu.cn/people/cshen/data-sets/smartphone-sensor-data-for-user-authentication/. The data can be downloaded in this link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYo6WfM
  3. Mouse-Behavior Data for Continuous Authentication. The link is http://nskeylab.xjtu.edu.cn/people/cshen/data-sets/mouse-continuous-authentication/
  4. Mouse-Behavior Data for User Verification System – Accompaniment to “Modeling Mouse-Interaction Behavior for User Verification System” (Under consideration by IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine System). The link is http://nskeylab.xjtu.edu.cn/people/cshen/data-sets/data-for-verification/

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