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发布时间:2009-03-19 06:27 作者:网络安全实验室学委会 点击次数:8249

    西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院院长、本实验室首席科学家管晓宏教授于近日获康涅狄格大学工学院授予的杰出工程师院成员荣誉称号(Member of Academy of Distinguished Engineers)。据康涅狄格大学工学院公布的消息,此项荣誉每年仅授予极少数在专业领域做出突出贡献、享有广泛赞誉并提高了康涅狄格大学工学院声誉的杰出校友。


    康涅狄格大学工学院院长Mun Y. Choi教授在给管晓宏教授的贺信中写道:您杰出的学术成就体现了您在专业领域学科带头人的重要作用。您作为康涅狄格大学工程学院的校友,为我们全体师生做出了表率,是我们极好的学习榜样,我期待着和您的见面并亲自授予您这荣誉。康涅狄格大学工学院邀请您参加评奖典礼,并做1小时学术报告。您的获奖奖牌将永久置放于学院的名人堂。

以下是Mun Y.Choi院长的来信:
March 17, 2009

Dear Dean Guan,

I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected for membership to the University of Connecticut School of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Engineers  Membership in the Academy is reserved for alumni who have consistently demonstrated consummate professional achievements and success throughout their careers and have advanced the quality and reputation of the School of Engineering.  This is an honor accorded only a select few individuals.

You will be formally honored at an awards dinner to be held in late Spring.    The semi-formal event will include representatives from leading corporations and other friends; University administrators; and School of Engineering faculty and alumni.  The awards dinner program will include a brief career profile and photograph for each Academy inductee receiving the award that evening.  Each inductee will also be given the opportunity to present a five minute acceptance speech. Formal invitations to the event will be sent out as plans are finalized. 

During their visit to campus inductees will be asked to present a one hour seminar. Attendance at the seminar will be open to all members of the School of Engineering family. In addition to the materials noted below, we also ask that you provide a brief abstract of your seminar presentation.

Your extraordinary career accomplishments clearly distinguish you as an important leader whose contributions have been exceptional.  Moreover, as a University of Connecticut School of Engineering alumnus, you are a superb role model for our students and faculty. I look forward to presenting you the award in person at the awards dinner. 


                                                                                  Mun Y. Choi

                                                                                  Dean and Professor

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